Rajiv Gandhi Brass Band Set


Rajiv Gandhi Brass Band Set, are specialize in providing top-notch live orchestral performances that elevate events to new heights. Whether you are planning a wedding, corporate gathering, gala, or any special occasion, our professional musicians bring a touch of class and sophistication to every moment.

Our orchestra is composed of highly skilled and classically trained musicians, each with a passion for creating beautiful music. We offer a diverse repertoire that spans classical masterpieces, contemporary hits, and customized arrangements to suit the unique preferences of our clients. From the timeless elegance of a string quartet to the grandeur of a full symphony orchestra, we have the versatility to cater to a variety of musical tastes.


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XH78+283. First Floor. K.A.S. Anjeneya Swamy Temple Building. Vinayaka Theater. Opposite CAR Police Quatres 560018 Bangalore Karnataka

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